SMA Sunny Island 4.4M / 6.0H / 8.0H series
The Sunny Island battery inverter supports a wide range of on- and off-grid installations with compelling product features—from operation in off-grid areas to home energy management. Users can benefit from SMA’s experience in having installed more than 120,000 Sunny Island inverters installed worldwide. Thanks to its integrated user interface and standard WLAN and Ethernet interfaces, the Sunny Island 4.4M / 6.0H / 8.0H can be immediately and easily configured and monitored via smartphones or tablets. And being a core element in the SMA Flexible Storage System, the Sunny Island temporarily stores self-generated power, thus making it possible to use solar power around the clock.
Its high protection class, wide temperature range and exceptional overload capability always provide the kind of reliability needed for off-grid use. Intelligent load and energy management keeps the system running even in critical situations.

Specification |
4.4M |
6.0H |
8.0H |
Rated grid voltage / AC voltage range |
230 V / 172.5 V to 264.5 V |
Rated grid frequency / permitted frequency range |
50 Hz / 40 Hz to 70 Hz |
Maximum AC current for increased self-consumption(grid operation) |
14.5 A |
20 A |
26 A |
Maximum AC power for increased self-consumption(grid operation) |
3.3 kVA |
4.6 kVA |
6 kVA |
Rated grid voltage / AC voltage range |
230 V / 202 V to 253 V |
Rated frequency / frequency range(adjustable) |
50 Hz / 45 Hz to 65 Hz |
Rated power(at Unom, fnom / 25°C / cos φ = 1) |
3300 W |
4600 W |
6000 W |
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